Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant Reviews and Food Musings


Fed up with celebrity chefs drizzling sauces over undercooked pieces of meat? I am!

I regularly dine out and am happy to share my restaurant experiences, and musings on food with you.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Scallops and Bacon


Two of my favourite local suppliers provided me with the the ingredients for this simple starter.

The smoked back bacon came from my good chum Derek Stott of D and D Family Butchers, and the scallops (note the roe must always be attached for the best flavour) came from the good people of Sea Haze on Brighton Beach.

The bacon and scallops were fried in butter with black and white pepper, note scallops need no more than 60 seconds each side (any more than that and they will be like rubber!).

Absolutely delicious!

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