Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant Reviews and Food Musings


Fed up with celebrity chefs drizzling sauces over undercooked pieces of meat? I am!

I regularly dine out and am happy to share my restaurant experiences, and musings on food with you.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Fast Food Ban

Fast Food Ban

Planners in Los Angeles have imposed a moratorium on the opening of new fast food outlets of chains such as Burger King and KFC in South Los Angeles, in an attempt to encourage better eating habits among the area's mainly black and Hispanic population.

The full Los Angeles council is expected on Tuesday to approve the restrictions across the 32 square-mile area of the city, where fast food outlets make up 45% of restaurants.

The trouble is that fast food is only one part of the problem. Consumers need to take responsibility for how much they eat and what exercise they take. Additionally, the fast food outlets provide much needed employment in areas of poverty and deprivation.

This is not a cure all solution for the alleged obesity epidemic.

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