Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant Reviews and Food Musings


Fed up with celebrity chefs drizzling sauces over undercooked pieces of meat? I am!

I regularly dine out and am happy to share my restaurant experiences, and musings on food with you.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Saint Jamie's Sugar Rush

Saint Jamie of Oliver was on TV last night proselytising against the evils of sugar.

All very well and fine, given that some people consume bucket loads of the stuff and have clearly damaged their health.

However, in a free country, we are all entitled to go to the devil in our own way.

Notwithstanding that, Saint Jamie intends to put a sugar tax on sugary drinks in his restaurants. In theory the extra monies raised will be used for good works against the "evil" sugar.

That aside I draw your attention to Saint Jamie's recipes:
Oh, and while we are at it, take a look at the salt content in his branded sauces!

Hypocritical or what?

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