Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant Reviews and Food Musings


Fed up with celebrity chefs drizzling sauces over undercooked pieces of meat? I am!

I regularly dine out and am happy to share my restaurant experiences, and musings on food with you.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Delia's Recipes for Cheats

Delia's Recipes for Cheats

I watched Delia Smith's new show on the BBC on Monday, in which she showed how to cheat at cooking by using ready made ingredients eg frozen mash and tinned mince.

Whilst the recipes themselves, if they used fresh ingredients, were fine; I balk at the idea of using ready made mash and tinned meat.

These ingredients are not as good as homemade, and cost more than buying the ingredients fresh and preparing them at home.

I fail to see how people do not have the time or initiative to make their own mash.

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