Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant Reviews and Food Musings


Fed up with celebrity chefs drizzling sauces over undercooked pieces of meat? I am!

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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Major Restaurant Chain Fiddling Beer Measures

The Telegraph reports that a major restaurant chain has been caught serving pints of beer in glasses that are 8.1ml too small.

A nationwide recall of the glasses was ordered amid fears drinkers had been served short measures at the restaurants up and down the country.

The discovery was made by Birmingham Trading Standards, which launched an investigation after a “significant complaint” was made.

The council discovered that the chain, which has not been identified, was selling beer in glasses that were 8.1ml too shallow.

It recalled 41 glasses from two bars in the city ahead of a wider recall. Officials declined to identify the chain or the glass manufacturer because the case did not result in a prosecution.

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